So many projects…

… so little time.

I have so much stuff to do, it ain’t even funny. But I’ve taken up a few freelance works, so my life will be all work and no play ’til tomorrow, when I hand in the last one of it. Of course, as I am working on the computer, I’m also downloading some Criminal Minds episodes, because I’ve became quite an eager fan of it over the last months.

Anyway, as I could not engage in my favourite activities (knitting, reading and sorting out craft materials), I gave myself a little break last Sunday and made a batch of necklaces. Finally, mys store’s first collection seems to be taking flight. There are only a few of them, after all, I had a small break, but, hopefully, I’ll be able to make more soon. See some of ’em below and tell me what you guys think!

One thought on “So many projects…

  1. HAHAHA, adorei essa do livro! Sem contar que é um bom esconderijo para assaltantes e trombadinhas de plantão, afinald e contas nenhum deles vai querer roubar um livro (assim espero, porque senão já seria demais, né?)

    Essa sua vida de free-lancer vai acabar te matando, além de não ter tempo pros colarzinhos e coisinhas de mulher em geral, você vai acabar parando de cozinhar docinhos e aí já era 😦

    Quero um desses de natal, me dá?
    Saudade cabeçuuuuuuda!

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